About Us

This effort was initiated by close friends of Nour and later grew to include those she has touched through her dawah efforts and other acts of kindness. Nour is a convert sister who has faced surmountable odds in her deen and continues to struggle with an intense chronic pain disorder that requires her to be completely dependent on others for her daily living needs.

Duas for Nour is a team of sisters who are working towards raising awareness and funds for Nour’s illness, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) while reminding the community of the many blessings we regularly forget.

For more information, check us out on the following:

Facebook: 80 000 duas for Nour

Twitter: @duas4nour

3 comments on “About Us

  1. Salaam, I’ve sent the info to some of my wife’s family…they are doctors…if there’s a cheaper alternative, I’ll let you know…otherwise, I’ve donated as well. May Allah (SWT) grant you shifa…

    • Walaikum salam – that’s great! MashaAllah. There has been thorough investigation of what health Canada has to offer and unfortunately they are not equipped to treat her. If your wife’s family is interested in Joining the site to officially become Friends of Nour – that would be great as well. Please email duasfornour@gmail.com for more info. Jzk

  2. Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatoh,

    I just wanted to mention that Nour’s case of TMJ is not within the normal realm of what this condition usually presents. Due to the original surgery, this is much more complicated and debilitating than just TMJ. Many people suffer the headaches, arthritis, difficulty eating, loss of range of motion of the neck and sometimes nerve involvement of TMJ, which can have it’s acute and chronic stages, but what Nour suffers is long term acute pain and a near complete loss of daily function due to the pain and exhaustion her particular condition presents.

    She has mentioned that any small excursion from her home must take days of preparation and medication, and days of confinement to bed afterwards from exhaustion and more acute inflammation to recover from. We rarely see her in our community due to her management strategy, (she even has to measure and conserve her energy resources just to email, text or talk on the phone).

    I am very impressed by the sisters who worked so hard for this, and so graterul to Allah for granting success in their endeavor so that it has raised enough money for her to go and get this surgery. I am also impressed and that so many people came to her aid when asked, even though many neither knew those who were asking nor Nour herself.

    She is a very modest and gentle lady, Masha’Allah, and possesses the courage to live her conviction, come forward to aid a stranger, and to offer the best of advice to those she comes into contact with. May Allah bless our Ummah with many like her, ameen.

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