Events & Updates


Dear Brothers and Sisters, Asalamoualaikoum,

May Allah (The Exalted) reward each and every one of you who attended and, contributed but could not attend the recent event held on November 18th .

This event was SOLD OUT!!!!

Alhamdulillah the feedback was excellent and we pray that Allah (The Exalted) Accepts all of our efforts. Ameen

Jazak Allah Khairan $13,950, Raised Insha Allah!!! (Includes $5500 in Pledges Masha Allah!!)

We will be planning the next event very soon inshaAllah so please stay tuned for details.

We would like to say an extra Jazak Allah Khairan to all the volunteers who’s efforts are greatly appreciated mashaAllah. Much of the success of the event is because of all of you. Please send us any feedback you may have to so that we can incorporate your great ideas and make our next event even more successful inshaAllah.
Please also continue to remember Sr. Nour and her family in your duas.
Jazakum Allah Khairan,
Sr. Jessica

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Nour’s Hero Program

We now have a special option for anyone out there who truly wants to be a Hero. Could this be you?….Read on….

Nour’s Hero program gives you the chance and ability to donate over a short period of time and with a specified monthly amount. Donors that are interested are giving in the amount for $200 for two consecutive months starting from December 2011 through to March of 2012; for a total of $400.

12 Heroes have used this opportunity to continue their sadaqah legacy mashaAllah and we only need 18 more!

This number will decrease as donations continue to come in so please keep in mind that the plan is to cancel all your cheques that are sent in after the final goal has been reached inshaAllah; unless you choose to send the $400.00 all at once which some of Nour’s Heroes have chosen to do mashaAllah. Please also remember we must continue to collect donations through pledges until the actual amount is received because pledged amounts may never be received due to unexpected circumstances such as death, illness, loss of jobs, etc.

We appreciate all your support. This is your chance to be a Hero.

Help us in spreading the word inshallah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One comment on “Events & Updates

  1. Assalaamu alaikum warahmatuallahi wa barakatu!

    By the Mercy of Allah(S) we are happy to announce that this event is nearly sold out! There are currently 6 tickets remaining. Please get in touch with Jessica or Khadeejah today if you would like to attend and don’t worry – you can look forward to more opportunities to help by signing up for future events inshaAllah.

    JazakumAllahu khayran,

    Wasalaamu alaikum,
    Your sister in Islam

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